Krill Oil Supplements

Monday, April 26, 2010

Krill Oil Versus Fish Oil Debate - Is There Really Much of a Difference

You may disagree with me, but at least hear me out. There is a debate raging among natural health practitioners: krill oil versus fish oil - which is better? Some vocal proponents are now claiming krill oil is the new natural health wonder, but is it really?It seems every few years, a new product based on some ancient food or fruit will emerge as the new "cure-all."In every case I've ever seen to date, the new fad dies off and it turns out that although the product based on it may in fact be beneficial for one's health, it is no better, and often worse, than what has been well known for years.

Additionally, the new fangled product will always cost a lot more money because it's selling on a hype premium - that is, until the hype dies down.In my view, the krill oil versus fish oil is a classic case of another one of these situations.Most of us know by now that eating fatty fish or taking molecularly distilled fish oil rich in DHA and EPA has very powerful health benefits for the brain, the heart, and much more.Krill are also a good source of omega 3's, but are they really superior to some of the best fatty fish species?

I have yet to see any evidence of this.To those who don't know, Krill are tiny shrimp-like creatures that form the food base for several types of animals, most notably whales.Some marketers are making claims that because giant, powerful whales feed on krill, just imagine what they could possibly do for you.This is a rather absurd question. Rather like saying because silverback gorillas eat leaves, stems, and roots that if you did as well, you'd be likewise as strong and as healthy as a gorilla.

The real question comes down to omega 3 content, specifically the two most important types, DHA and EPA.And certain fish species are actually much higher in DHA than krill. Did you know that more than 60% of the brain's mass is comprised of fats and that the DHA omega 3 fats are almost half of that 60%?This should tell you a little bit of just how important DHA omega 3 fatty acids are to your brain's health.There is also the issue of purity. It's true that many species of fish because of contamination, have nasty toxins that have built up in their flesh.

Consuming once healthy fish like this no longer becomes healthy, whether you eat it or take it in the form of supplements.However, this is not an issue as long as you purchase omega 3 molecularly distilled supplements. Molecular distillation is a process by which the toxins are separated and then discarded.A last potential argument that is made is that krill oil comes in a phospholipid form. What's so special about this? Well, it (the phospholipid form) has a better absorption rate over the triglyceride form in which most fish oils come.

However, to cast all fish oils under the same light is unfair and not true. People don't take all different types. People take, Krill Oil Supplements Products,  one kind at any given time.So, yes, while it may be true that krill oil has better absorption by the body than most fish oils, as long as you purchase a version of fish oil in ester form, not triglyceride form, absorption is no longer an issue.In conclusion, the battle will continue to rage on about krill oil versus fish oil, but when all of the dust settles years from now, I strongly believe that most people will realize that once again, a new fangled product or health wonder was really no better than what health conscious people have known all along - just a lot more expensive!

Discover the best omega-3 fish oil available today.
Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of the amazing health benefits of quality fish oil. Take a moment to visit his site now at and discover the latest DHA omega 3 supplements that he recommends after extensive research.