Krill Oil Supplements

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Krill Oil or Fish Oil - That is The Question

You may not be old enough to remember the 1950s commercial jingle, "Brill Creme, a Little Dab Will Do Ya." Doesn't matter. You do need to know about the next big thing for staying healthy and it is... (drum roll please)... krill oil ( A Daily Dose Will Do Ya.No matter how you look at it, or what your sex, or whether you're 21 or 81, there's one thing your body truly has to have: essential fatty acids (EFAs). And here's the rest of the story. See, your body doesn't make them for you.

So you must get them from the food you eat and from supplementation.Essential fatty acids ( are mostly omega-3 and -6 EFAs that come from the oils of plants, fish and tiny shrimp-like cold water crustaceans called krill. This article is about essential fatty acids and why it makes sense to choose krill oil as your most beneficial source of essential fatty acids. The three major types of omega-3 fatty acids are ALA or alphalinolenic acid; EPA or eicosapentaenoic acid; and DHA or docosahexaenoic acid.

Omega-6 fatty acids help omega-3 fatty acids in the body. But you need to consume them in the right balance. The improper balance between omega-3 and omega-6 is known to lead to disease, but the right ratio can support good health.The explanation, Krill Oil Supplements Products,  is that omega-3 reduces inflammation (, and omega-6 turns it up. Many researchers believe that too much omega-6 in the typical American diet is a big factor in the growing number of inflammatory disorders.

Too much inflammation leads to pain and many diseases.But deciding how much of which foods to eat is sort of like rocket science for people that have nothing else to do. However, nutritional supplements solve that problem because you can see what's in 'em on the label.So now you're probably asking, which source of EFAs should I choose for nutritional supplementation? Plant oil, fish oil or krill oil? We'll leave plant oil on the shelf for now and go ahead with what you need to know about the two marine sources.

You'll be happy to know that krill oil is coming on like gangbusters in essential fatty acid and antioxidant supplements for waging a very effective war against inflammatory and other diseases.What makes krill oil better than fish oil? krill oil has 48 times more antioxidant power and is much more absorbable.Want to know why krill oil is easiest to absorb but were afraid to ask? The krill's EFAs are bound with phospholipids instead of the triglycerides of fish oil. And guess what, it's phospholipids that are foundational to cell membranes in the human body.

The unique bond between the krill's omega-3 EFAs and its phospholipids gets antioxidants through the wall of the intestines and into your cells. And that's major.At the beginning of this article we listed 12 health concerns in addition to just plain staying healthy. Every one of them, and more we haven't mentioned, can most likely be helped by taking krill oil supplements every day.Of course, be sure not to use any marine form of EFAs if you have seafood allergies (http://www.krill-oil-benefits.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What is Krill Oil

  Krill oil is extracted from Krill that are shrimp-like crustaceans that are approximately 1 to 6 centimetres long. They live in the ocean, where they feed mainly on algae and phytoplankton. They're near the bottom of the food chain and are eaten by whales, seals, penguins, squid and fish. Commercial fishing of krill occurs primarily in the southern ocean and the northern Pacific Ocean along the coasts of Canada and Japan. Krill that are caught are used for aquaculture and aquarium feeds, sport fishing bait or they are eaten as food.

In Japan, krill that's caught for food is called okiami. Krill oil, the oil that's found naturally in krill, is extracted and sold as a nutritional supplement. It's sold in pharmacies in a red soft gel form under the brand of Cardiosterol Krill. Krill oil contains astaxanthin and omega-3-6-9 fatty acids, which is the main reason it's becoming popular as a nutritional supplement. Cardiosterol Krill oil is becoming popular is because it contains an antioxidant called astaxanthin. The algae that krill eats produces the bright red pigment astaxanthin that gives krill and other crustaceans such as lobster and shrimp their reddish-pink colour.

Antioxidants protect our body cells from damage from free radicals, unstable substances that are thought to contribute to certain chronic diseases. Unlike many other antioxidants, astaxanthin crosses the blood-brain barrier, where it could theoretically protect the eye, brain and central nervous system from free radical damage. Why do people use Krill Oil?People use krill oil for the same reasons they use fish oil, flax oil or other omega-3 fatty acids. Unlike fish oil, krill oil doesn't cause fishy burps or an aftertaste, a common side effect of fish oil.

Also, krill oil contains higher amounts of astaxanthin than fish oil. Here are some specific conditions for which it's used. CholesterolKrill oil is being studied as a natural remedy for high cholesterol. In one study, 120 people were given krill oil, fish oil or a placebo. Krill oil reduced LDL (commonly referred to as "bad") cholesterol by 34 per cent and increased HDL ("good") cholesterol by 43.5 per cent compared to the placebo. In, Krill Oil Supplements Products,  comparison, fish oil reduced LDL cholesterol by 4.

6 per cent and increased HDL cholesterol by 4.2 per cent. Krill also lowered triglycerides. HypertensionCardiosterol Krill soft gels are recommend as a supplement to whoever is taking blood pressure pharmaceuticals. The Cardiosterol Krill supplement helps to avoid the need that in the future the dose of the hypertensive drug is increased or a diuretic will have to be added. There is also a decrease in risk that the hypertension bounces and fluctuates irregularly and that the hypertension becomes uncontrolled even by pharmaceuticals.

ALTA CARE Laboratoires, an independent multinational company with head offices on Avenue Champs-Elysees, Paris. Founded by pharmacists who work in the EU, With over twenty years of experience in professional consultancy ALTA CARE Laboratoires over the years has produced products for other multinational companies.
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ALTA CARE Laboratoires full range of products can be viewed on

Monday, April 26, 2010

Krill Oil Versus Fish Oil Debate - Is There Really Much of a Difference

You may disagree with me, but at least hear me out. There is a debate raging among natural health practitioners: krill oil versus fish oil - which is better? Some vocal proponents are now claiming krill oil is the new natural health wonder, but is it really?It seems every few years, a new product based on some ancient food or fruit will emerge as the new "cure-all."In every case I've ever seen to date, the new fad dies off and it turns out that although the product based on it may in fact be beneficial for one's health, it is no better, and often worse, than what has been well known for years.

Additionally, the new fangled product will always cost a lot more money because it's selling on a hype premium - that is, until the hype dies down.In my view, the krill oil versus fish oil is a classic case of another one of these situations.Most of us know by now that eating fatty fish or taking molecularly distilled fish oil rich in DHA and EPA has very powerful health benefits for the brain, the heart, and much more.Krill are also a good source of omega 3's, but are they really superior to some of the best fatty fish species?

I have yet to see any evidence of this.To those who don't know, Krill are tiny shrimp-like creatures that form the food base for several types of animals, most notably whales.Some marketers are making claims that because giant, powerful whales feed on krill, just imagine what they could possibly do for you.This is a rather absurd question. Rather like saying because silverback gorillas eat leaves, stems, and roots that if you did as well, you'd be likewise as strong and as healthy as a gorilla.

The real question comes down to omega 3 content, specifically the two most important types, DHA and EPA.And certain fish species are actually much higher in DHA than krill. Did you know that more than 60% of the brain's mass is comprised of fats and that the DHA omega 3 fats are almost half of that 60%?This should tell you a little bit of just how important DHA omega 3 fatty acids are to your brain's health.There is also the issue of purity. It's true that many species of fish because of contamination, have nasty toxins that have built up in their flesh.

Consuming once healthy fish like this no longer becomes healthy, whether you eat it or take it in the form of supplements.However, this is not an issue as long as you purchase omega 3 molecularly distilled supplements. Molecular distillation is a process by which the toxins are separated and then discarded.A last potential argument that is made is that krill oil comes in a phospholipid form. What's so special about this? Well, it (the phospholipid form) has a better absorption rate over the triglyceride form in which most fish oils come.

However, to cast all fish oils under the same light is unfair and not true. People don't take all different types. People take, Krill Oil Supplements Products,  one kind at any given time.So, yes, while it may be true that krill oil has better absorption by the body than most fish oils, as long as you purchase a version of fish oil in ester form, not triglyceride form, absorption is no longer an issue.In conclusion, the battle will continue to rage on about krill oil versus fish oil, but when all of the dust settles years from now, I strongly believe that most people will realize that once again, a new fangled product or health wonder was really no better than what health conscious people have known all along - just a lot more expensive!

Discover the best omega-3 fish oil available today.
Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of the amazing health benefits of quality fish oil. Take a moment to visit his site now at and discover the latest DHA omega 3 supplements that he recommends after extensive research.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

How Eating the Right Fats Can Help You Win the Weight Loss Battle!

Nutrients are the components in food that your body uses to repair tissue, maintain a disease-free body and to provide enrgy to move, think and, well, simply remain alive! Good news: you can get the nutrients your body needs from the food you eat, with minimal supplementation, in most cases.All six primary nutrients needed by the body are available from food sources. Their availability varies by food and nutrient in question. These primary nutrients are: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.

All six are required for the body's, Krill Oil Supplements Products,  systems to work well. Repeat: all 6 are needed by your body!Let's talk about the dietary "bad guy:" FATS! YUK! Did you realize that some fats are actually "good guys?"Fat is needed in the body for several reasons, including:  As a support for brain activity.  As a source of energy.  To allow the body to use proteins to repair and build many cells.  As an insulator and as a cushion for your organs.  As a component in the repair of blood vessels and nerve sheaths and linings.

So, fat has a role in optimal health! The key is to get the right fats, in the right amounts in your diet in order to allow needed biological processes to occur, while preventing excess fat from "going to waist" (or hips, thighs, butt or anywhere else!)Fatty Acids are components of fats, and are split into 2 groups: essential and non-essential. Essential fatty acids, also called EFA's are all over the media these days. They come in twon principle types: Omega 3's and Omega 6's. These fats you need and want in your diet!

Other fats, like saturated fats, have significantly less biological value. These are found in butter, fried foods, many cheeses and in fatty cuts of red meat. They are solids at room temperature, and for many of us, lodge "solidly" in places we'd rather they didn't! As fo hydrogenated fats and trans-fats? Well, let's just treat them like the poisonous enemies they are and leave it at that!So where do we find the "good guy" fats, Omega 3's and Omega 6's?Foods that contain thes types of fats include:-Unprocessed green vegetables, including spinach, kale and dark salad greens

-Fish, especially deep or cold-water fishes like Salmon and Tuna


-Egg Yolks

-Lean meat and eggsMany seeds, nuts and oils such as pure virgin olive oil, canola oil and fish oils (for most of us, Krill oil is a better, "fish-burp" free choice.

Here's a great source for Krill Oil: a happy coincidence, many sources of Omega 3 and 6 EFA's are also good sources of protein!In order to support your efforts to reach your ideal weight and/or body shape:  Avoid adding fats to foods, even while cooking, such as butter and margarine  Avoid fried foods (duh!)  Use low fat or fat free natural cheese instead of high fat cheeses  Trim excess fat off of meats before cookingGetting enough of the right fats in your diet is as important as avoiding the wrong kind.

Phil Hueston,
IYCA Youth Fitness Specialist
NASM Performance Enhancement Specialist
All-Star Sports Academy
Toms River, NJ
Phil is responsible for designing & implementing programs for kids & youth athletes in the areas of strength, speed, agility, power, sports performance & injury prevention. In the past 8 years, he has worked with over 50 All-County & All-Shore athletes, 20 All-State athletes, 11 Division I scholarship athletes. He has also worked with professional athletes in several sports, including the 2nd overall pick in the 2007 NHL entry draft!
He has also helped hundreds of people reach their goal weight and body shape, while feeling better than ever before!
All-Star Sports Academy is the recognized leader in the sports performance training & youth fitness fields. They've been called on by high schools, colleges, AAU, Pop Warner, Little League, Cal Ripken & club sports organizations to design fun & effective programming to improve athletic & sports-specific skill sets.
Contact All-Star for a free one week trial in FitKidz! Sports Fitness, Small Group Training for Athletes or Power Fitness Camp for Women! Coaches can ask about Team Training services.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The One Supplement Everyone Should Take

One of the most basic human desires is to be the best we can. In America we got a very good grasp of this. On the news you hear about baseball players on steroids, actors getting plastic surgery, and even drugs being prescribed for kids so they can concentrate in school. It is innate to want to be the best, Krill Oil Supplements Products, . With this innate desire people seek out everything they can to make them achieve whatever their goal is quickly and efficiently. This is where the dangers lies.

Sometimes in the pursuit of being the best people ignore or just do not know of the harmful side-effects to using some performance enhancing methods out there. I am not just talking about steroids, but rather all of the methods. Bodybuilders, athletes, and even regular fitness people are the worst at this. Their are thousands of different supplements in our world, most of which do nothing. I am here to tell you the one supplement that has been proven to help.The one supplement I am talking about is fish oil; however not just any fish oil.

I am not here to promote any certain brands, and all I am going to do is tell you what should make up a good fish oil. After that I will cover some of the benefits, and their are definitely some benefits.Fish Oils Oxidize Quickly. If you have ever gone fishing, and you kept the fish you caught you put it in a cooler right? If you would not have done that the whole area around you would smell like fish, because fish oils oxidize quickly. Some people say this is a good enough reason to avoid them.

I say it is a good enough reason to make sure you get a quality brand. If you decide to go with purchasing liquid fish oil meaning not in tablet form make sure it contains nitrogen to help stop oxidation. On top of that make sure you keep it in the fridge, and you should even put the tablet fish oil supplements in the fridge. The Type Of Fish Oil. You know their is a lot of debate around the web about this. I on the other hand think it is stupid. The source of the fish oil can change some of the benefits, but the underlining benefits are all still their.

The best two in my opinion would be cod liver oil and/or krill oil. I recommend you try them both and see which one works better for you. Those two tend to be the lowest in mercury, which is not the case sometimes when you purchase fish oil that that comes from multiple kinds of fish.What Fish Oil To Avoid. The one type of fish oil you should not consume would be fish oil that has the Vitamin A and D removed. To remove these two vitamins they typically use dangerous synthetic chemicals which are just best to avoid.

Now that you know what makes a good fish oil let me show you the top two benefits to using fish oil.  Controls Fat Tissue. In a study done by AM Hill, JD Buckley, KJ Murphy, et al.showed that fish oil can help you lose fat. Participants that exercised and supplemented fish oil had a 5% decrease in body fat. This occurred because of increased fat oxidation during exercise because of the fish oil. The study went for 12 weeks and they supplemented 6g of fish oil.   Fish Oil Helps Brachial Blood Flow.

In a study done by Walser B, Giordano RM, Stebbins CL. they found that fish oil helped brachial artery blood flow and conductance during exercise. While this is directly applied to people with heart problems who cannot exercise, I do not believe it is a stretch to say fish oil can help already active people. Better blood flow will mean faster nutrient delivery rates, and that means you will recover quicker. Slow recovery happens to be the biggest hindrances when it comes to muscle building.Recommendations Now that I have shown you some of the benefits to to consuming fish oil, and what makes up a good fish oil.

I would like to finish with what makes up the proper dose of fish oil. A study done by Simopoulos A. says recommends about 1-2g a day for leisure level athletes. However in the fat loss study they took 6g, while they took 3.2g in the brachial study. I recommend you test the dose with yourself. Make a chart that has the doses slowly going up until you think and feel you got the right dose for your body. Since everyone has different activity levels and bodyweight, a one size fits all recommendation would fall flat.

Now you need to go here to get started building your best body for free at:
After that come back and and click Fish Oilfor more information.
Greg Cook is a certified personal trainer that owns and operates Don't Stop Training.

Friday, April 23, 2010

A Look at Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Heart Health

According to research data published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, individuals that include regular daily intake of Omega 3 can reduce the risk of heart attack (coronary thrombosis) by up to seventy percent. Such encouraging news has generated a good deal of interest in Omega 3 of late.What is Omega 3?Omega 3 is, in fact, a polyunsaturated fatty acid which, as it passes through the limentary canal (digestive tract through the human body), breaks down existing cholesterol and deposits a minutely thin barrier to prevent its reformation.

Omega 3 works to fight again the principal cholesterol culprit that causes clotting of the blood. These clots then block blood vessels causing heart attacks or, if they reach the brain, strokes.Omega 3 is most commonly associated with the oils found in fish. Best known sources are mackerel, trout and salmon although the oils can be extracted from white fish; and the liver of the Cod is particularly rich as well.The American Heart Association recommends a daily intake of 1000 mg. of Omega-3 for measurable health benefits in cardiovascular care.

There are various ways of including Omega 3's in your diet so you need not worry if you are not a big fan of fish.Sources of Omega-3'sThe most obvious method, eating suitable fish regularly, isn't practical for everybody, as again - not everyone enjoys fish, some people are even allergic to it and, of course, vegetarians and vegans don't eat fish. Fortunately there are a wide range of supplements on the market for those people.The most common form of supplement is the capsule formulated from concentrated oils derived from those fish that have the high Omega 3 levels.

Generally, the tablet will contain something around fifty percent from that source (fish) with the balance made up of other sources of fatty acids.Omega 3 fatty acids are not restricted to fish oils - they can also be found in a number of plant extracts as well. The best source of Omega-3 is alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which includes flaxseed (linseed) oil, rapeseed (canola) oil, chia seeds, walnuts and walnut oil, the Mediterranean plant, purslane, grass-reared meat, and dark green leafy vegetables.

These items are widely found in health food stores and in natural health markets.The good news of Omega 3 health benefits goes globalOmega 3's can also be found in a wide range of other foods including vegetables and processed foods; however, the levels are negligible and provide no significant health benefits. Vegetarian Omega-3 supplements are available, usually as flaxseed (linseed) oil.EPA and DHA Omega 3 are found almost exclusively in aquatic plants and animals. They are synthesized by phytoplankton, which are consumed by fish, mollusks and crustaceans and thus concentrated in the aquatic food chain.

Alternative sources of Omega-3 ALA and Omega-3 EPA and DHA are being studied for viability. ALA from perilla is already available in some countries and krill, shrimp-like creatures abundant in the Antarctic Ocean, are being targeted by a Canadian company as a future Omega-3 source. Krill oil contains 25% Omega-3 EPA and DHA. Genetic modification is also being explored, with one experiment inserting genes which will produce long-chain Omega-3 polyunsaturates into existing oilseed varieties. Another uses gene transfer technology to directly convert Omega-6 polyunsaturates to their Omega-3 counterparts.

As the health reputation of the Omega-3s grows, food manufacturers have explored the opportunity of fortifying everyday foods with Omega-3s. Omega-3 eggs are increasingly available; for example, bread fortified with 13mg of Omega-3 DHA per slice is now available in New Zealand and Australia. Malaysia has a cracker fortified with vitamins, minerals and both Omega-3 and Omega-6 EFAs and a similarly fortified margarine serves as a fine accompaniment.In Sweden, a low fat liver pate is enriched with Omega-3, iron and vitamins.

The Spanish can buy fruit juices fortified with milk, fiber, vitamins and Omega-3, and probiotic meal replacement bars, soups and milkshakes with Omega-3s. Finns market a blackcurrant, Krill Oil Supplements Products,  juice with added Omega-6 and Omega-3 as ALA. This list is by no means comprehensive, particularly as it does not include the increasing number of infant milks, foods and supplements with added Omega-3 DHA.As the advantages of regular intake of Omega 3 become more accepted in North America, the food processing and pharmaceutical industries will, no doubt, put more effort and funding into making these various supplements more readily available.

The benefits of Omega 3 will continue to grow in importance as the population ages and looks for ways to maintain healthy and active lifestyles. Currently, Omega 3's are easy enough to buy from online companies and specialized pharmacies but it surely won't be long before Americans will be able to choose the supplement that suits them best from the shelves of local supermarkets and convenience stores.Adam Short is freelance writer and creator of - a site providing the latest news and information on essential fatty acids.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Antioxidants-A New Improved Sourc

As a result of the ongoing wellness revolution, more and more people are learning that they need to add high quality nutritional supplements to their diet in order to help prevent and reverse a wide array of chronic degenerative diseases.  The basic reason for this is very simple--we are genetically programmed to eat only the simple, whole foods that were consumed by our stone-age ancestors.  To whatever degree we deviate from this kind of diet, we deprive our bodies of key necessary nutrients and ingest substances that actually cause them harm.

(93)Tragically, about 90% of the average American diet now consists of mummified foods that are lacking in the key nutrients we need; even worse, they commonly contain a wide array of ingredients that are either downright toxic or that seriously disrupt the functioning of our bodies in many ways.  And even the natural produce we eat--unless it is organic and vine-ripened--is likely to be deficient in many key micronutrients that our bodies need in order to be healthy.  (173)To make matters worse, the cells of our bodies are now increasingly subject to damage from free radicals due to the high levels of environmental toxins in our diet and the reduced levels of antioxidants in our food to combat free radical damage.

One nutritional supplement that nearly everyone needs is a good, Krill Oil Supplements Products,  source of omega-3 fatty acids to counterbalance the excessive amounts of omega-6 oils that are in the average diet.  Although the ideal dietary ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats is 1:1, it's commonly in the range of 1:20 to 1:50. An estimated 85% - 95% of North Americans are omega-3 deficient. The increased level of inflammation in our bodies caused by this imbalance is a common factor in many forms of chonic disease, including arthritis and heart disease.

To help curtail free radical damage, nearly everyone also needs to supplement with high quality antioxidants.  These are of key importance in helping to prevent many diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and mental decline associated with aging.  There is much evidence that they actually slow the aging process itself.A very new supplement--Neptune Krill Oil--is now available and is unsurpassed in meeting both of these key needs.  Produced from minuscule krill that are harvested in the icy waters of the Antarctic, it not only provides a much richer source of omega-3 fatty acids than fish oil, but also includes unique phospholipids that markedly increase their absorption into all of the cells in our bodies.

These phospholipids are also important building blocks for cell membranes, protect these membranes against free radical attack and other toxic injury, and serve as cellular "gate-keepers."  Moreover, they are an important source of choline, which is of key importance in brain development and functioning.  In addition, they also contribute importantly to protecting the liver and promote the production of healthy HDL cholesterol.In addition, krill oil contains one of the most powerful natural antioxidants yet discovered--anastaxthin, a carotenoid that gives krill their distinctive reddish color and protects them from solar radiation.

Independent laboratory testing has shown it to be 300 times more powerful as an antioxidant than vitamins A and E and 47 times more potent than fish oil and lutein.  Since it's also 100% bioavailable, it's readily absorbed into our cells. It simultaneously prevents the oil from becoming rancid and provides powerful cellular protection against damage by free radicals.  Since krill oil is markedly more bioavailable, the daily recommended dosage is only one-fifth as much as with fish oil.This product is also unique in containing the very first flavonoid ever discovered in the animal world.

As is commonly true of plant flavonoids, this co-factor works synergistically with other ingredients in producing major health benefits.Another very attractive feature of this new product is its safety. Since krill feed on algae and are at the very bottom of the food chain, they are not contaminated by heavy metals and other industrial pollutants that are commonly found in fish.  For this reason, krill oil is completely free of these toxins.  Since the FDA and EPA have recently issued warnings that eating fish and shellfish is unsafe for pregnant or nursing mothers and also for young children, this is one of the very important advantages of krill oil over fish oil.

Clinical trials of this product, along with several double-blind placebo controlled studies, indicate that it has the following health benefits:- Helps to reduce inflammation in heart blood vessels- Promotes healthy joints and decreases arthritic pain due to inflammation- Improves concentration and memory- Helps to counteract effects of aging- Provides cell membrane protection- Improves levels of blood lipids and cholesterol- Improves liver function- Alleviates PMS symptoms and pain associated with menstruation- Bolsters the immune system- Increases energy and improves mood- Promotes skin health- Helps to stablize blood sugar levels- Contributes to the health of the brain and nervous systemIt's very important not to confuse Neptune Krill Oil with imitations that are not subject to the same rigorous quality controls in production and which have not been used in the extensive scientific investigations of this specific product.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Lupus Diet - Eliminate Lupus With Nutritional Healing

Lupus and DigestionWhen dealing with an anti-inflammatory disease such as lupus, it is extremely important you use your first line of defence, the nutrients from food, to support your body's ability to avoid flares and promote healing. Although doctors say that there is no lupus cure, it simply isn't the case. Not only have I completely healed (and tested negative) for lupus, others have as well. The best news is that many of us healed in different ways, one of which is through a lupus diet.As with many auto immune and degenerative issues, lupus can compromise the digestive tract, making it essential the nutrients you are eating are being absorbed.

It is also necessary to determine if you have any food sensitivities and allergies, that will also affect how well you digest your food, if your body reacts to it and therefore how you feel.Although not often publicized, the best diet for lupus and healing is ultimately the best diet for everyone as it is derived from the unparalleled nutrition offered from fresh fruits, vegetables and whole foods while avoiding far too common processed, fatty, refined foods so abundant in our food stores. The simple reason this type of diet is so helpful is because it is, by nature, an anti-inflammatory diet.

The best diet for Lupus includes simple, freshly prepared natural raw foods while eliminating fast processed foods and the 4 'white foods' including sugar, salt, flour and carbohydrates.Lupus patients are also well advised to be careful when consuming nightshade vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, and pepper in addition to alfalfa as these have been linked to trigger flares. It is important to note, however that people have different dietary needs and don't react the same to foods, so what may trigger one patient may not be a food trigger for another.

Say good-bye to fatty foods!Fatty foods are essentially inflammatory. It is for that reason they should be completely avoided, at least while you are in the healing process and working to eliminate lupus and experience a lupus cure.   It is far better to allow your body to heal and regain a properly functioning immune system and then slowly introduce a few favourite foods back, (while looking forward to regaining your health and vibrancy).In addition to being inflammatory, fatty foods also cause what is known as 'thick blood' which lowers the body's oxygen supply to the cells and tissues in your body.

Not only can this cause tissue damage, which promote auto-antibodies (the last thing your body needs, as, Krill Oil Supplements Products,  it causes an inflammatory response) but also significantly dampens your energy levels. Chronic fatigue is one of the primary issues dealing with lupus, so please heed this caution in particular for your dietary practices.Nutritional Healing for Lupus A low-fat, whole food, plant based diet is the diet of choice if you have lupus, or any disease concerning inflammation (which most disease do!

). Not only will it decrease your joint pain, reduce strain on the kidneys, spleen and other organs, it will also lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart attack. Another added benefit is it will also support weight loss, which many lupus sufferers write to me about, as a consequence of steroid side effects.Most importantly, this diet will reduce the number of antigen-autobodies in your body, a primary factor that causes lupus flares. Many people are now aware of the great health benefits derived from Omega 3.

The primary benefit concerns the fact that these essential fatty acids act as an anti-inflammatory, exactly what we need if we have lupus. Therefore, with reduced inflammation comes reduced pain and increased mobility.Because our common food intake doesn't provide enough of these healthy fats, it is extremely wise (especially if you have lupus) to supplement with them. Flaxseed oil is a popular source of Omega 3, however recently there is evidence that your best source of omega 3 comes from fish oil, in particular krill oil.

Of course, eating a diet rich with Omega 3 is important, and the most common source of EFA's is from salmon, and other cold-water fish such as tuna. Other sources include avocados, spinach, and mustard greens.There are a lot more lupus diet do's and don'ts you should be cognizant of, including the debate on protein (including soy protein and lupus), and which nutrients are destroyed through various drugs you may be prescribed.   These dietary issues are typically not discussed by your doctor and if you would like more information please visit the site listed below.

What you eat matters! (If it matters when we're not ill, think of how much more important it is for when you are!). Remember, lupus can and has been healed and you have every reason to believe it can work for you too (or at minimum, significantly reduce lupus symptoms). Despite doctors claiming there is no Lupus cure, for those of us who no longer have it, we beg to differ.  If you have any question on lupus please feel free to contact me at the email address listed below.Wishing you and your loved one's the very best, especially in good health and lupus-free!

Stacey Becker is the author of 'I Don't Have Lupus Anymore', at . It is a true story about how she (and others) has healed Lupus. The book is a practical guide with a holistic approach to healing that addresses: Lupus diet do's and don'ts, nutrition, supplements, stress, common (and uncommon) Lupus questions and answers, self-healing strategies including meditation and visualization, the power of intention, faith, plus many other important factors helpful in reversing disease through natural means.
Stacey's message is one of hope, since Lupus sufferers who ask their doctors 'how to cure lupus' are offered no hope for a cure. Visit her site for a free mini course and email consultation on how to empower your health if you or a loved one has Lupus.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fertility Wonder Oil

Imagine building a house without some of the essential materials. Well it simply wouldn't work, it would be leaky, drafty, insufficiently insulated, and would probably collapse during the first storm.Our cells are no different to a house. They all have a blueprint (DNA) and are meant to be constructed according to the plan. However when the body makes a request for a particular nutrient to complete the cell construction, it's gets a message that the reserves are empty or being held only for the key organs, needed to keep you alive.

One of those essential nutrients are 'Essential Fatty Acids' - Essential because our body can't make them, so we need to get them from food. Essential fatty acids (EFA's) are necessary for;- Normal brain and nervous system function

- Visual acuity and cognition

- Hormone and prostaglandin regulation

- Healthy placental growth

- Brain and liver development in the foetusThe central nervous system starts to develop 21 days after conception; because of this it is essential that the mother's reserves are optimal before conception.

EFA's are also very important for;- The health of breasts and mammary glands

- Growth of the uterus in the motherEFA's can protect against SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and post natal depression and have been found to be effective in the treatment of endometriosis, heavy periods, cramping and mild depression. Deficiency has been linked to male infertility and can lead to congenital malformations and spontaneous abortions. Omega 3 and 6 are known as EFA's. Omega 6 is readily available in food (nuts and seeds and vegetable oils) but Omega 3 is harder to come by and the need for Omega 3 increases during pregnancy and lactation.

Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), are the building blocks of membranes of all cells in the body, and precursors of eciosanoids, hormones important in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, especially in women.For example period crams a.k.a. dysmenorrhea, stem from disturbed balance between anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory hormones. By increasing the intake of omega 3 fatty acids your period cramps can vanish.I speak here from first hand experience. As a teenager, I couldn't leave the house without a Ponstan (a painkiller) on the first day of my period.

When I learned at college about omega 3's I started taking the supplement every day and within 2 cycles I never had to use Ponstan again, my cramps were gone.Studies have shown that omega 3 fatty acids;"    Facilitate pregnancy in women with infertility problems by increasing uterine blood flow.

"    Promote fetal growth by improving placental blood flow.

"    Lower the risk of premature birth, by increasing the length of pregnancy and birth weight.

"    Facilitate the child's brain development.

"    Prevent preeclampsia (high blood pressure in pregnancy).

"    Prevent postpartum depression.

"    Prevent menopausal problems.

"    Prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis.

"    Prevent breast cancer.

"    Lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL) - this is especiallyimportant for women receiving hormone therapy, which can increase bad cholesterol.Buyer BewareWhen buying Omega 3 Fish oils, you need to make sure the product;1.    Contains antioxidants to prevent the oil from oxidizing and going rancid(a.k.a. lipid peroxidation).

2.    Has been tested for mercury, dioxin and polychlorinated biphenyls (PBCs), andmeets the established safety limits.

Fish that live a long time (e.g. swordfish, shark & tuna) have a longer time to accumulate environmental toxins. Try to make sure your fish oil comes from wild sardines or wild salmon.What we all need to be mindful of, is, the ever increasing demand for the ocean fish reserves. Studies have shown, worldwide, the demand for wild fish is now greater than the ocean can supply and projections suggest complete reliance on aquaculture (farmed fish) by 2050.A solution to this problem is Krill Oil - abundant zooplankton found in the Antarctic waters.

Krill Oil is eaten by whales and other fish. It possesses a fatty acid profile comparable with fish oils. It is a more sustainable solution comparable to fish oils.How much do you need?The recommended therapeutic dose of Omega 3 (RTD) is 1000mg three times per day, with food. Never have them on an empty stomach, as they won't absorb properly.How do you store it?In the fridge.If you get fishy burps, you can put it in the freezer and have the capsules frozen, this way they'll thaw out in your small intestines instead of your stomach.

Food SourcesDeep sea fish, wild salmon, red snapper, wild trout, herring, halibut, sardines, walnuts, almonds, nuts, seeds, flaxseed oil (only 20% gets converted into the active form), grass fed meat, hemp seed oil.References1.    Arthur, R.'Omega-3 Sources'. The Journal of Complementary Medicine,

May/June 2009 Vol 8, Krill Oil Supplements Products,  No 3.2.    Saldeen P, Saldeen T. 'Women and omega-3 Fatty acids'. Obstet Gynecol Surv.

2004 Oct;59(10):722-30; quiz 745-6.3.    Keene, I. 2008. "Natural Fertility Prescription", Australian Natural Therapeutics,


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Monday, April 19, 2010

Boot Camp Instructor Delivers Health and Exercise Tips For Dad's on Father's Day

It's been getting worse every year. Father's Day is right around the corner. I'm not saying the actual day is bad. I'm saying your dad is getting worse every year.There is something called metabolic syndrome X floating around. It's a scary condition. I had only heard about it up until now. So I decided to do a little more research on the subject.I found some good information on the American Heart Association's website. They basically define the metabolic syndrome as a group of metabolic risk factors occurring in a single person.

The most common being:Belly Fat- Excessive fat tissue around the abdomenAtherogenic dyslipidemia (blood fat disorders, high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol and high LDL cholesterol, that foster plaque buildups in artery walls)Elevated blood pressureInsulin resistance or glucose intolerance (the body can't properly use insulin or blood sugar)Prothrombotic state (e.g., high fibrinogen or plasminogen activator inhibitor'1 in the blood)Proinflammatory state (e.g., elevated C-reactive protein in the blood)People with this disorder have much greater chances for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

But that's to be expected since the top 2 risk factors for this syndrome is fat in the stomach and insulin resistance. Metabolic Syndrome X can be caused by inactivity, growing old, hormonal imbalance, or genetics.And this isn't just a man's problem, ladies! I focused more on Dads since Father's Day just passed. However, the problem is even more prevalent in women then men.How can you tell if you have it? Well the American Heart Association and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute have identified risk factors for you.

If you have 3 or more of the following you have it. This info was taken strait from the website:1. Elevated waist circumference: Men — Equal to or greater than 40 inches (102 cm)
   Women — Equal to or greater than 35 inches (88 cm)2. Elevated triglycerides:  Equal to or greater than 150 mg/dL3. Reduced HDL ("good") cholesterol:
  Men — Less than 40 mg/dL
  Women — Less than 50 mg/dL4. Elevated blood pressure:   
Equal to or greater than 130/85 mm Hg5. Elevated fasting glucose:
Equal to or greater than 100 mg/dLDon't fret if you do land in 'Metabolic Syndrome X' Land.

Even if you have just 1 or 2, or even all 5. Because it's a lot easier to get back to a healthy you. Well, the answers are easy; the road might be a little difficult for some.If you have any of these symptoms of metabolic syndrome X, the most common cause for them is lack of physical activity and/or your diet sucks.You knew I would be getting to that soon enough, right? Here are 6 tips that can help your Dad save his life. And Mom's too.1.) Lay off the AlcoholThis one is right up their for dad's.

That big, huge beer gut is neither attractive nor healthy.Alcohol is empty calories. Period! It's a toxic substance to your body. Toxic things are not supposed to be in there. But, here is some good news about alcohol and fat calories: A very small percentage of the alcohol calories you drink are turned into fat. It's in the single digits. But the problem with alcohol and it's calories is that when consumed it reduces the amount of fat that your body can burn off for energy.Why does this happen?

It comes down to a substance called acetate. Acetate levels rise sharply after alcohol is consumed. This substance pretty much tells the body to STOP burning body fat ASAP.  And yet another problem is the body starts making another substance called acetyl CoA. This causes the body to actually start making more body fat.An interesting fact about your body and alcohol is that it can only process about .5 to 1 ounce of alcohol per hour.  To the body it is a toxic substance. The liver already works very hard, but when you add alcohol to the equation it needs to go into overtime.

If you want to be lean you got to lay off the alcohol or severely reduce it. This isn't my opinion, it's a fact.2.) Lift weights with your big muscles Attention Dad's! You are not bodybuilders! So why do you follow their ridiculous routines?To burn fat off of your body, your entire body, you need to exercise using your big muscles and with big exercises-- biceps curls are out the window.Big muscles are your thighs, back, chest, shoulders, hips, and butt. Big exercises are squats, deadlifts, rows, overhead presses, pushups, presses, pull-ups, and swings.

Anything that involves lots of muscles working at the same time. Doing Arnold Schwarzenegger concentration curls for 4 sets of 12 is not going to burn a whole lot of fat. The exercises I just mentioned will actually reduce your belly fat more then sit-ups or crunches. Why? Because you can't spot reduce. Sit-ups or crunches only work your abdominals. An exercise like squats, the King of all exercises, work your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, calves, low back, upper back, and abdominals. Lots of muscles equal's lots of fat burned and lots of calories burned.

And the last point is don't be a sissy. Lift big weights. A heavier weight equals more muscle. More muscle equals more fat burned and higher metabolism.3.) I Will Not IsolateWe're still on your workouts for now. I covered this a little in the previous section. Isolation exercise will not get the job the done in terms of reducing your belly and overall body fat.Crunches and sit-ups are isolation exercises. Those are 2 of the bigger offenses people make in workouts. The other would be biceps training.

The biceps are such a small muscle compared to other muscles of the body. And besides they get plenty of training from doing heavy back movements like rows, and pull-ups.Other isolation exercises that you are wasting your time with are pretty much any machine movement isolating you to just one or two body parts. Triceps kick backs, forearm curls, cable cross-overs, shrugs, and calf raises. There's a bunch more, but let's keep this basic.4.) Don't Forget To Warm-Up!You're not a kid anymore. You can't just go out and give it your all.

Your muscles are older, your joints, your mind. It takes time to get things going now. You need to lubricate your joints and muscles to help prevent injury.If you injure yourself, it will just be another set back. We don't' want that. Everyday in my bootcamp in Columbus we go through a 5-10 minute warm-up. Here's a quick one you can do before your next workout. Perform each exercise :20-30 with minimal rest in between, repeat two times.1. Jumping Jacks2. Arm Circles3. Squats4. Pushups5. High Knee Run in Place6.

Lunges with a twist at the bottom5.) You will probably need some professional help and/or adviceEverybody is busy. Dad's with kids still in the house probably even more so. You don't have time to sift through all the information out their on fitness and nutrition. It's hard to know what is bad, what is good, and what you and your body need specifically.Let's say you find a routine online, looks good. People swear by it. You give it a try after a week you're sitting on the sideline with a bad back, or a bruised thigh.

Later you find out the routine was for college athletes preparing for the NFL Combine. Whoops! A little out of your league.That's where a fitness professional will come into play.  You wouldn't perform a root canal on yourself  after  doing research on the Internet would you? I hope not.Quit being so macho, dads. It doesn't make you less of a man to join a bootcamp or hire a personal trainer. It actually makes you smarter because you have effectively contracted out your fitness needs.  Just like you do your car repairs and other things in your life.

You can get more done now.  Weather that is playing with your kids, giving extra attention to your wife, going out with the guys, or watching the newest episode of CSI: Miami and cringing every time David Caruso says something. But ultimately more time for you.6.) Your daily nutrition planNutrition made simpler. Isn't that what everyone wants. Well, I'm here to give it to you. Well, not completely. I'll give you the basic template. Here it is:1. Eat breakfast everyday2. Eat every 3 hours afterwards3.

Eat a lean protein source every time you eat4. Eat 5 or more fruits and vegetables, Krill Oil Supplements Products,  throughout the day5. Focus on eating things that have only 1 ingredient6. Drink lots of water7. Take a multi-vitamin8. Take a fish oil or krill oil supplementHow's that? 8 Step Simple Nutrition Plan. Granted you have to fill it out to your tastes. But follow that basic template and the other rules and watch the belly fat and Metabolic Syndrome X be a distant memory, or even avoid it completely.

Jason Yun is a certified sports nutritionist and personal trainer. He is the head trainer at Yun Fitness Bootcamps and helps hundreds of Columbus residents look better naked every year. To contact him about his services please call 614... or email at For your free 2-week trial to his bootcamps go to

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Making Potent Homemade Carp Baits With Stimulatory Oils And Lecithins!

A bait edge for many carp anglers means all too often simply buying a new expensive readymade bait. But you do not need to do this when you can easily make your own homemade liquids to adapt and boost them to differentiate them from every other bait your carp have ever experienced - so achieving more bites from warier often older and much bigger fish! So read on and discover how to catch more (cheaper) big carp now!When you read the magazine articles or advertorials you so often find a high profile angler raving on about what is or will become the next big thing, the must-have additive that will change your life.

But why bother with these when everyone else is going to use them when surely the big point of bait is to put fish at ease to get them to make more mistakes on your hook baits, not scare them by using what everyone else has already hooked them on!You might be all too aware of the high publicised additives such as halibut pellet oil, tiger nut oil, salmon oil, and hemp oil etc. But just consider for a moment how frequently carp come into contact with free baits and hook baits of so many forms that contain these.

Most frequently just one individual oil is used in a bait so it is very easily distinguishable to carp and may well put them on there guard far more than a new substance will!So how do you make a unique substance that works really well? The options are so vast you would be amazed. Oils vary in just how miscible or not they can be with other substances and to the exact degree they will actually mix with water and other substances. Sometimes it depends on temperatures and amount of time applied to the mixing process as well as other factors such as solvents, surfactants or lecithins etc.

There is a fraction of oil that does mix with water in special ways even if only tiny and the same goes for oils mixed with very different substances. I discovered over 30 years ago that when mixing homemade base mixes very wet that I came up with unique liquids and runny pastes that I could apply to almost any bait to make it completely unique. Getting back to oils, all you need to do is literally experiment with mixing ones you might know are popular. But there is far more advantages in using oils and combinations you simply will not find offered by any bait company.

The quick list of the most popular oils include various plant and marine oils plus others. The list includes fish and other marine oils of various origins and grades, herb and spice oils, vegetable oils such as those from seeds and nuts and fruit oils from berries and citrus fruits for example. There are very many others that will really give you a great edge against all those over-used ones!If you are on a tight budget lazy you might simply add sunflower oil and mixed nut oil or peanut oil together and add a proportion of liquid lecithins to the mixture.

The one from Carpfishingpellets and CW Baits is a very potent form and is like a thick viscous treacle and contrasts highly with some from other bait companies which basically look more like glycerine and are clear and far thinner.In my special bait secrets ebooks series I really go deeply into things like making bioactive natural flavour-induced oils and even include a table of substances that mix together to what degree including things like sugars, terpenes, oleoresins, amino acids, essential oils etc.

Just to be a little different you might add salmon oil to halibut pellet oil, or add garlic oil to hemp oil. Note; the tinned tuna oil that some high profile anglers have raved on about is well over 90 percent sunflower oil which happens to be very healthy but is not the same as pure tuna oil which cost a lot more!Adding vegetable oils to marine oils is a very beneficial thing because you can achieve a balance of nutritional factors. The ratios of omega oils from 3, 6 and 9 all have various impacts on fish and you have probably read on tins of fish like tuna about the benefits to your heart and circulatory system of omega oils.

In long-term baits this ratio is very important and impacts on lipids levels within the body of fish when fed regularly with baits. Of course there are very many oils you might have heard of like the fish feed-inducing oils, Nod Oil, Nutrabaits Complete Food Oil, and Lee Jackson Ming Oil and so on. But very often either the price is extraordinarily comparatively high and you can make your own much cheaper oil mixtures to match these or the fact is they are already in widespread use and fish may well be wary of them!

(Please keep oils refrigerated and avoid any oil oxidation which may harm carp - this includes using less than totally fresh pellets too!)You might decide to use cheap roasted sesame seed oil or wheat germ oil and add a few things to really make these very different. You might go for cod liver oil or krill oil which is a specialist highly potent antioxidant supplement and an extremely powerful oil - one of the most powerful in the world. Coconut oil is a very nice oil too and again it has outstanding well proven antioxidant benefits.

I mention antioxidant benefits here and especially in regard to anti-inflammatory properties of oils as very many great carp bait ingredients, liquids and additves have similar impacts when consumed by the fish and apart from being feeding triggers they actually wean fish onto baits so the fish begin to seek them out but for not just for instinctive health benefits! Mixing oils is easy but so many carp anglers overlook this edge. I always use a liquid lecithin from my good friend Phil at Carpfishingpellets which is a nutritionally-stimulating feeding trigger and potent emulsifier of oils that improves bait performance and digestion and is a great price too!

Oils are addictive but if you happen to not believe me; just consider how addictive oily crisps and chips are; the salt just enhances what attraction is already there because the body is instinctively drawn to the most energy-efficient food sources and oils are at the top the list although I love to use sugars in carp baits for similar related reasons among others! (Note; every single cell in our and carp bodies is truly self-intelligent and DNA is not necessarily a fixed static thing and it is well-proven that consumption of sugars changes DNA.

)I noticed at least one fishing match has been won by a boy using micro-waved chips! Like us humans, carp are extremely sensitive to the energy-efficiency of their food. But then this is no surprise when you realise that we are the long-lost descendants of ancient teleost fish; of which Cyprindae fish are a part. Oils are very definitely one of the greatest sources of energy for carp in carp baits although oil levels in baits should be kept very low at a maximum of around 5 percent only. Amino acids and protein digestibility factors etc have quite some bearing on the balance of the impact of baits in the long and short-terms too (as well as carbohydrates significantly,) but this get out of the range of this article, but carp process amino acids to a massive degree better in many ways than humans, who by contrast derive far more energy from carbohydrate food sources than protein ones.

(The thermogenic impacts of protein in carp baits is a very important aspect of bait design that can be exploited.) Needless to say carp and humans essentially require energy sources simply in order to breathe and stay and maintain our body functions to actually stay alive; oxygen is part of the reaction with food energy that makes metabolism so important. (This is related to temperature of water in carp in contrast to our highly developed bodily temperature regulation in us warm-blooded humans, but this system actually robs us of energy too so is does have disadvantages compared to carp!

)Catfish love halibut pellets because apart from pre-digested fish protein for instance they are high in oils. But these pellet were designed for fish with much higher lipid requirements and most sea fish and salmonids such as salmon and trout need more lipids or oils and energy requirements than carp do. The emphasis of low oil marine proteins and low oil boilies is obvious as more and more carp anglers become aware of the health implications of using baits with too much oil content. I hate it every time I catch a big carp which has been damaged by the excessive use of oils.

Many carp anglers still glug their free baits in excessive oils which is completely irresponsible. Many carp anglers completely overlook the already significant oil content of their base mixes and unfortunately it is most often the oily fish meal type baits that get the oil glugging treatment. Just so you realise this in terms of the future longevity of our big fish stocks, high-oil halibut pellets and high oil salmon pellets and others are a big cause of fatty protruding livers bulging out of the sides of carp!

The same goes for fish like wels catfish whose rate of metabolism rises much more per 5 degree increase in temperature than carp; in the States in air temperatures around 100 degrees various catfish species really feed well but can you imagine the effect of such temperatures on carp?! There are very powerful reasons why mixing oils to gain not just uniqueness of smell and taste and nutritional benefits are great but other factors too. These are varied but include the ways certain components of oils will impact upon the physiology of carp and other fish, even to the extent of altering mood and behaviours significantly.

Just for example peach and strawberry oil, cranberry and citrus oils have very interesting bioactive effects and these can be added to other oils easily to differentiate them. Palatant oil complexes are a useful starting point to mix with various other oils ensuring the range of enhancers, and varied types of feeding triggers are in your mixture and exploit various internal and external carp sensory receptors simultaneously. Various receptor cells exist all over carp from the fins, barbells nostrils, flanks and lateral line etc, to inside the roof of the mouth, in the lips and throat and deeper still inside the digestive tract and even in parts of the brain; all working together in highly significant biofeedback loops!

(Think about it this; just how do you decide which flavours or brand of flavour of crisps turn you on the most and, once you have discovered one you most like because usually one stands out for you, do you ignore the rest and primarily go looking for the one your senses prefer?)Similarly, a carp can decide for itself if it really needs or wants to consume your bait, long before it has actually physically picked it up. The old saying about a carp having to sample a bait by mouthing it because it does not have hands is simply misleading!

Carp and other fish will often actually rub their bodies against baits in order to more safely detect what they have to offer and often you will get single bleep line bites from wary carp doing this and using other tricks such as physically picking, Krill Oil Supplements Products,  baits up and moving them on their fins which have various densities of specialised receptor cells on their surface!Many times fish will roll for long periods over baits simply filter-feeding on dissolved substances and other less soluble substances leaching from baits.

Now why not seize this moment to improve your catches for life with these unique fishing bibles: "BIG CARP FLAVOURS FEEDING TRIGGERS AND CARP SENSES EXPLOITATION SECRETS!" "BIG CARP AND CATFISH BAIT SECRETS!" And "BIG CARP BAIT SECRETS!" For these and much more now visit: Home of world-wide proven readymade and homemade bait success secrets bibles!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Do You Believe All of This Hype About Krill Oil Supplements

I had a little chuckle up my sleeve when I read an article on krill oil supplements just the other day. The writer said that the krill oil was 48 times more potent than regular fish oil in addressing your nutritional and dietary requirements. Wow, at last they have found a food source that will prevent starvation in the multitudes.

According to these people, we just need to give the starving a tablespoon of krill each day and it will be the equivalent of giving them 48tablespoons of food. I shouldn't be so hard on these people, they are just trying to make a living.

But the outrageous claims they make really get me going. Then they go on to say that this oil does not have the fishy aftertaste that fish oils do. Fresh fish oil has no taste whatsoever.

While it is true that the phospholipid form appears to be absorbed better by our bodies than 'normal' triglyceride fish oils, it is not considered better than the ester form that most ethical manufacturers use. They are believed to be on a par. Furthermore, you obtain phospholipids by eating eggs, peanuts, soybeans, fish, legumes and products that contain yeast.

In fact exactly what you would ingest by eating a normal diet.

I am finding it hard to be impartial in writing this article, because that article I read, got right up my nose. Then they go on about the krill oil supplements antioxidants. While it is true that they have antioxidant properties, the antioxidants are there for the preservation of the oil. It does not act as an efficient antioxidant in our body. I have read that krill is eaten by both the Japanese and the Russians.

The proponents of krill oil supplements say that they are free of contaminants.

However research has shown that these crustaceans are contaminated by organochlorine pesticides, which are absorbed by them and passed onto the rest of the food chain. The manufacturers of this oil do not seem to believe this, and they put the people who buy this product, at risk of ingesting these pesticides and toxic pollutants.

Not only do you have to pay 8 times more to get the same amount of DHA found in molecularly distilled Omega 3/DHA fish oils, but you do not have a purified product.

Gordon Hall is fervent about enabling you and everyone to live a healthy lifestyle, and is an ardent reviewer of fish oil supplements. To discover which supplements Gordon recommends after far ranging and extensive research. Visit his website now at

Friday, April 9, 2010

Benefits of Krill Oil Supplement and How to Increase Them Manifold

By the time you finish reading this article, you will know what are the benefits of krill oil supplement, what are the other options you have, and how to make the choice amongst them. So let's get started.

The amazing Omega 3 fats present in Krill are actually responsible for the benefits of a krill oil supplement. These fats like DHA, EPA and DPA keep our brain running in top shape, protect us from the onset of Alzheimer's disease, protect the eyes from degeneration, ensure proper flow of blood in the arteries and also keep the body cells safe from the inflammation that leads to cancer.

These fats also provide relief in case of dysmenorrhea and the emotional symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Out of these fats, DHA has been proven to be the most beneficial of all. Traditionally, EPA was said to be the most beneficial one, but latest research has shown otherwise. Another reason why DHA should form a higher component of your Omega 3 intake is - your body can internally convert DHA into EPA if the need be, but the reverse process is not possible.

So you need to make sure the oil you're taking is high in DHA content.

Now this brings us to an important point. As we have seen, the benefits of krill oil supplement are there only because of these Omega 3 fats inside it. So if you can get more Omega 3 from some other source, wouldn't that be a better choice?

If you take a good fish oil sourced from fish like the hoki (a New Zealand fish), tuna and salmon, which are naturally rich in DHA and EPA fats, and then purify it through a process like Molecular Distillation, then you would have a Omega rich, highly pure oil which would be much more beneficial for your health.

A typical krill oil bottle would contain around 30,000 mg oil out of which almost 2,700 mg would be DHA fats.

A good fish oil would contain around 60,000 mg oil, of which almost 15,000 mg would be DHA - more than five times the DHA krill oil can give you! This is a huge disparity and can make all the difference in the benefits you get out of the oil.

Make no mistake about it. The benefits of krill oil supplement are many - but you can get the same benefits to a much higher degree by taking a quality fish oil.

So go ahead and find out the right oil for your health.

Michael Holman is a dedicated researcher and reviewer of fish oil supplements. He shares his research on Omega 3 Fish Oil on his website. To discover the highest Omega 3 fish oil supplements our editors personally use and recommend, visit -

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why Krill Oil Supplements are Overrated - Get The Facts

The fact you are looking for krill oil supplements shows that this new kid on the block has caught your attention. However, once you discover the facts, you will see that they are just an expensive and far less effective alternative to a quality omega 3 fish oil. To get the health rewards like prevention of heart disease, lower bad cholesterol, effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, lower blood pressure, much improved brain health and mental well-being, stronger immune system and improved skin texture and tone you need high amounts of DHA omega 3 fatty acids.

These hold the key to your health and must come from what you eat as they are not manufactured by the body. So now to the main reason why krill oil supplements offer such poor value. They only contain 9% DHA per daily serving or 45mg per capsule while quality fish oils will have 560mg per serving or 28% in each capsule or soft gel. Just check out any websites selling krill oil and look for the label or ingredients and you will find they only ever have 90mg per 1000mg of oil. This represents a tenth of the benefits you get from a good fish oil like tuna or hoki and they also cost up to four times as much.

For example, the oil I personally take costs less than $18 for a month with a daily serving of 560mg of DHA and you would need to pay at least four times as much to get the corresponding amount and benefits from any krill oil supplements. Good oils also come from sustainable sources while the krill is mostly taken from the pristine Antarctic waters. This will inevitably lead to overfishing and can potentially disrupt the fragile marine ecosystem as most species up to the whales depend on krill to survive.

If you want to maintain optimal health now and avoid many degenerative diseases in the future, avoid the krill oil supplements and select a quality distilled fish oil instead. If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA omega 3 supplements I personally take, visit my website below today.

Discover the best omega-3 fish oil today.

Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of nutrition, diet and the amazing health benefits of high-quality fish oil. Take a moment to visit his site now at and discover the latest DHA omega 3 fish oils he recommends after extensive research.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen - I Give You Some of the Benefits of Krill Oil Supplements

Krill are small crustaceans that resemble shrimp, they are between 1cm to 5cm long and are found in the colder oceans. They are considered to be near the bottom of the food chain and are eaten by most creatures that are bigger than them. In this article I am going to tell you about the benefits of krill oil supplements.

The proponents of this oil say that it improves concentration and memory, and the chemical makeup of this oil is such that it is much more absorbable by the body. This is because it is a phospholipid form which is better absorbed by the body than the triglyceride form of most fish oils.

However while the phospholipid form appears to be better for bioavailability than 'normal' triglyceride fish oils, it is not considered to be superior to the ester form used by most ethical fish oil manufacturers. It is considered to be on a par. now, more about the benefits of krill oil supplements.

They say it helps to control blood sugar levels in diabetics. They say it gives relief from the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. And that it reduces inflammation that is associated with arthritis.

I can and will go on about their claims about the benefits of krill oil supplements. However I must tell you that given that all of these claims are true, and I have no reason to doubt them. The cost of a bottle of krill oil capsules is US$24.95 for 60 x 500mg soft gels compared to US$16.85 for 60 x 1,000 mg of soft gels.

Each bottle of 60 krill oil capsules contains 30,000mgs of krill oil and only 2,700mgs of DHA.

The company that I buy my fish oil from puts out a bottle of Omega 3 DHA esters that contains 60,000mgs of concentrated molecularly distilled fish oil esters and contains 15,000mgs of DHA.

It would appear that the manufacturers of krill oil are giving you a mediocre product and because of a clever sales pitch, are charging the earth for it.

The proponents of krill oil admit that their oil is more expensive, but they do not tell you that their oil only contains a low level of DHA. 9% to be exact. In all of the Omega 3 products, DHA is the most powerful and useful as it is used by our brain in vast quantities. Indeed our brain is comprised of some 30% DHA fats. DHA is also used to keep our cardiovascular system in good shape.

Get my free five-part mini course on the benefits of omega 3 for the whole family, including critical information on why you should take fish oil during pregnancy and exactly how much fish oil a pregnant woman and her baby need during this critical time.
To sign up for the course and more tips on the importance of omega 3, visit my website now at

Monday, April 5, 2010

Why the Benefits of Krill Oil Supplements Are Extremely Limited

While there are indeed some benefits of krill oil supplements, compared to a quality fish oil for example, they offer very little and misleading and hard selling advertising doesn't help much either.

As a researcher, it is my job to find the cold hard facts that lie underneath the advertising and reveal them so you can come to your own conclusions.

So let's get right to it. The main reason why the benefits of krill oil supplement products are severely limited is the amount of omega 3 they provide you with.

You may be aware that the two main fatty acids in omega 3 are EPA and DHA.

DHA is responsible for most of the benefits and allows the body to heal and protect against heart disease, brain health and many others. It is converted by the body into a powerful anti-inflammatory chemical called Resolvin D2 which gives most of the health benefits.

A daily serving of krill will give you only a tiny 90mg of DHA while a good fish one gives you 560mg.

You really will miss out on most of the health rewards by using oil from krill and you can check this out for yourself when you look for omega 3 oils.

Look at the ingredients or contents and you will see that krill never has more than 9% DHA.

The fact that they are a poor source of omega 3 has not deterred the sellers who use another untrue fact about antioxidants.

While krill do provide a high level of antioxidants, they are mainly used to preserve the oil for longer to maximize the profits rather than contributing to your health.

Some information about benefits of krill oil supplement products is true and that pertains to their purity. In general if they have come from the Antarctic Ocean then they should be relatively free from any toxins.

Many fish oils are poor quality and contain lead and mercury traces from the fish. However, if you select a molecularly distilled oil then all the contaminants will have been removed leaving only a pure oil rich in omega 3.

I hope you can see that the benefits of krill oil supplement products are not all they're cracked up to be and if you look a little harder as I did, they offer very little especially considering you need to pay up to ten times as much to get the same amount of omega 3.

Discover the best omega-3 fish oil available today.

Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of the amazing health benefits of quality fish oil. Take a moment to visit his site now at and discover the latest DHA omega 3 supplements that he recommends after extensive research.